Saturday, May 16, 2009

Edwin had hoped that if he simply ignored her, Rosalie would soon go

latest watercolor, have a super Saturday!

When I painted this, I was fully intending for it to be funny and lighthearted but when I look at it now it doesn't seem so funny to me either. There is something sad about Edwin not having any sense of humor at all and in Rosalie that she can't get Edwin's attention even in her fancy showgirl attire. You kind of get the feeling she didn't have his attention before either... I'll try to get more genuine funny in the next one. Weird how the characters kind of create themselves sometimes against the artist's will.


Judy Hartman said...

Just discovered your work and LOVE it!
You are very funny and talented!

MagicMarkingsArt said...

why does this make me laugh, and feel sad at the same time. she should just go out and have fun with the girls :)

vivienne strauss said...

Thank you Judy!

MagicMarkings - you know, when I painted this, I was fully intending for it to be funny and lighthearted but when I look at it now it doesn't seem so funny to me either. There is something sad about Edwin not having any sense of humor at all and in Rosalie that she can't get Edwin's attention even in her fancy showgirl attire. You kind of get the feeling she didn't have his attention before either... I'll try to get more genuine funny in the next one. Weird how the characters kind of create themselves sometimes against the artist's will.